Thursday 18 April 2013

Above our bed

I love this space above our bed. I am very lucky that i have a husband who just lets me do what i like and doesn't mind sleeping among flowers, polaroids and birdcages. I so switch things up a bit every now and then and i am always changing the flowers. Today, i took some cuttings from the blossom tree across the road.

On Gilles's side, he has a little jar that i made him just before we got married 6 years ago. I wrote down everything that i loved about him on pieces of paper and put them in the jar. I think there are over 100 reasons in there! There are also three polaroids taped up. For our first year wedding anniversary, i packed up a picnic and set off to the river. I left him clues on a piece of paper as to where he would find me so when he woke up, he came down and we had such a lovely picnic. I was 7 months pregnant with Elle at the time. You can see a little video of our anniversary that i made here and my VERY pregnant belly. On my side, i have some dried flowers and some fresh blossom, a brownie camera and a little frame with one of my teacup photographs in. The calendar is by Selina Lake.

I made the book page garland myself. I found an old black beauty book in a charity shop and picked out the pages with the best chapter words along the top. I then stuck on cut out hearts and a doilie for the middle one. It is so simple to make and makes such a lovely touch. the flower garland came from a craft shop and the black board came from a pound shop. I added the lace trim to the top.

I love my bedroom. It has a beautiful bay window and lets a lot of light in. We have rainbows from the crystal in the window when the sun shines and i love the shadows the trees outside make on the wall.


  1. You have created a magic world around you. It is so wonderful to see all your pics.
    Have a happy friday!

    1. Thank you so very much for your sweet comments x

  2. so beautiful. you are filled with magic, keri-anne xx

  3. It must be so nice sleeping around all these beautiful things!

  4. You are so creative! The jar idea is so beautiful, and the flower garland is just perfect. I'm lucky too with my companion regarding all my little decor matters : )



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